Project details

Moonquakes and Marsquakes!

Our mission was to develop an algorithm that filters raw data from seismometers on Moon and Mars, distinguishing real seismic activity from background noise and transmitting only the essential data back to Earth. Why is this important? Because more data means higher power demands, and in the harsh environment of space, power efficiency is critical!

Hearing mars is kinda difficult...


There’s a trade-off between making the algorithm more robust, handling complex calculations (which may require more power) and keeping it energy-efficient. We are not talking only about the energy used to send the data to Earth, but also the energy required to process the raw data on these interplanetary seismometers. There was a big challenge to keep a balance in having an algorithm that is capable enough, but doesn’t require too much processing power (and thus energy), all while considering the inherent limitations of operating in space.


A rover can do it!

the algorithm is

  • Powerful enough: to effectively filter the raw data from the seismometer, distinguishing between noise and seismic activity, while also compressing the data to minimize the energy used during transmission to Earth.
  • Simple enough: to operate within the limited energy and processing power available on Mars.

Our signal-processing algorithms search for specific patterns in seismic activities, such as:

  • Finding peak values: The highest points in the raw data, which can indicate seismic events.
  • How much the data varies over time: To see if there are big changes in the waves detected or just small fluctuations, helping us identify possible seismic activity.
  • How quickly the peaks drop back down: to differentiate between real seismic events and just random noise.
  • Among others...

The tools